Tuesday 12 May 2015

What Being A Mom Has Taught Me...

There is absolutely no way that I can begin to express in a single blog post, perhaps even in a lifetime what I have learned by becoming a mom.  I can't ever remember a time when I did not want to be a mom.  It is desire that I have had my entire life.  Although the desire was unbelievably strong, I can honestly say that I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into.

Being a mom is amazing.  There are days where you just can't believe how blessed you are.  Then there are other days.  Days that are messy, hard, never ending...  Yet, no matter what motherhood throws at you - there is one overriding truth.  It is a life long commitment.  Sure you can crawl into bed and pull the covers over your head and waive your white flag of surrender - but you will always be a mom.  The sun will still come up the next day.  No matter what life or your precious ones throw your way - there is no quitting.

Being a mom has shown me how to dig deep.  And then dig deeper still.  And then when you think you have hit rock bottom, to dig again.  It has taught me that I am capable of so much more than I can even begin to imagine, that I am stronger than I will ever believe.

So how does this relate to kung fu?  Well in some ways not at all and in others ways completely.  For me the journey through motherhood and the journey towards a black belt are going to be in a state of a constant give and take.  Lessons learned in each area will be applied to the other.  Victories reached will inspire the other and struggles battled will strengthen both.

Anyways, I have no idea how to end this post except to show off the awesome edible Mother's Day card my kiddos gave me.  Even at the end of the hardest days, I am blessed because I am a mom.