Thursday 14 May 2015

Chaos & Change - Week 12

This really has been one of those crazy all over the place kind of weeks.  I find it ironic that we talked so much about routines and how changes in routine can really throw a person for a loop.  I have come to the realization that my life is chaotic.  I have tried for years to find a routine that works for me and I have not been able to form one so I just grit my teeth and will myself through the days.  We are also looking at a change in our family's routine very soon.  The position my hubbie has worked in for the past two years is coming to a close.  All is good, it looks like he has found another place to be but there will be a significant change in his shift.  Finding rhythms and routines to thrive is definitely a direction that I am going to start pursuing.  But first - I am going to take some Oregano 8 to try to kill this head cold that is desperately trying to take hold...

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 12:

Push ups             10,059
Sit ups                10,375
Kempo                  77
Staff                      165
Sparring                125
KM                       215.9
AoK                     239

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  246
Piano                     21.95 hours
Books finished       7 
Daily fruit - 3 days missed
365 photo challenge - 19 days missed
Daily journal - missed 2 days

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