Friday 22 May 2015

Week 13 - Reflections at the Quarter Mark

As I plug along one day at a time it is so easy to lose track of how time is passing.  This morning I realized that we are 1/4 of the way through the I Ho Chuan year.  My numbers are not where they need to be to be on track.  I have fallen behind on many of my personal goals.  In some areas, I am disappointed with where I am sitting.  In other areas I am doing better than I could have imagined when I set my goals in November.  I am finding sitting down weekly, looking at my totals in comparison to where I should be very motivating.  It gives me the shove I need to get up the next day and do more push ups even when everything is tired and sore.  It is time to really start pushing forward on some of my other goals. 

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 13:

Push ups             10,929
Sit ups                11,295
Kempo                  83
Staff                      176
Sparring                125
KM                       232.5
AoK                     254

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  266
Piano                     24.5 hours
Books finished       7 
Daily fruit - 88 days
365 photo challenge - 71 days
Daily journal - 87 days

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