Monday 4 May 2015

The Results Are In....

And I don't like them!!!!

So my knee has been feeling pretty good.  Today in class I ran (ok, it was a super slow jog) for the first time in two months.  I went to physio.  Life was looking really great.  And then.....

My MRI results were faxed in part way through my appointment.  The lovely lady I have been working with was pretty confident that there was either a sprain or a slight tear in my ACL.  She was wrong.  I have a full tear.  There are a few other little things going on too but really my lack of an ACL is the point of concern.  What this means is that even though my knee feels super stable side to side, I am at a huge risk of hyperextending it again.  My head is swimming right now.  I'm not entirely sure what this means in terms of what I can safely do right now.  I do know that when I go to the doctor on Wednesday to get these same results, I should be receiving a referral to see a surgeon.

Well that's all I have to say for today.  I have had a good cry and now I'm heading out for a walk and some puppy therapy. 


  1. Karl Hager Limb and Brace. I have them on speed dial and retainer. I have a custom brace for each knee. They are expensive but they definitely work.

    You will get through this. It is just one more signpost on your awesome journey.
