Thursday 7 May 2015

The Bad, The Ugly but Focusing on the Good - Week 11

What a week!  The past week has been packed with appointments.  This week found me at the orthodontist, the dentist, physio, the doctors and a spring music concert plus our normal chaos. 

The bad was the dentist appointment.  It was for me.  Normally I go in, get my teeth cleaned and then book to come back in six months.  Easy peasy.  Not this time.  I had a loose filling.  So today I spent a portion of the afternoon upside down getting that fixed back up. 

The ugly was definitely my MRI results.  Ugly is really the only way to describe it.  Then off to the doctor to talk about referrals and such.

The good...  There was a lot of good this week to focus on.  My little one rocked out her orthodontist appointment.  My hubbie was an absolute rock for me on Monday after I came home crying with my results.  A sweet friend with the biggest heart and awesome hugs to cheer me on in my journey (thanks Alana).  A doctor who is willing to refer me on to the right people.  The support of this amazing team.  Good habits that I have and will continue to work on in my life.  I have so much good in my life that I will not allow the bad or the ugly to overshadow it.

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 11:

Push ups             9,144
Sit ups                9,415
Kempo                  62
Staff                      146
Sparring                90
KM                       193.7
AoK                     219

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  222
Piano                     19.5 hours
Books finished       6 
Daily fruit - 2 day missed
365 photo challenge - 16 days missed
Daily journal - missed 2 days

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