Tuesday 5 May 2015

A New Day, A New Attitude

I am so grateful that we can view each new day as a restart.  Yesterday was a hard day filled with news I did not want to hear, frustration, anger and tears.  Today though, I can choose to reset how I am going to handle what I learned yesterday.

This morning I have been sitting at my desk in my home office looking out at the blue sky and watching the birds while listening to a webinar on how to achieve your goals at work.  Mostly I was listening to apply it to my personal life.  One of the main focuses was finding the areas of disbelief in your life and changing what you believe so that then you can change your behaviour.  I have carried a ton of disbelief around with me.  One of my most common sayings was "That's cool but I could never do that." 

Today I had the realization just how much I have grown personally in the past few months.  I realized just how much my thinking has changed.  I am doing things that I didn't think I could do and the year has only just started.  Then add to that, the injury that could have stopped it all two weeks in.  Yesterday as I was fighting through the frustration all of that hit me and I think it fueled some of the negative feelings.  Part of me feels bitter for where I could be if I wasn't fighting this injury.  Part of me feels frustration for what this means for the future.  But today I am realizing that the injury was to my knee but it has changed my heart.  My knee functions well enough to do ordinary, everyday life.  There was a time in my life when that would have been fairly acceptable.  Now I want more than just the ordinary.  Now I believe that perhaps I may be capable of more than the ordinary.  Now I want to find out what that looks like. 

It's hard to say where my journey would be if I hadn't had my crash landing.  I do know you appreciate things more when you have to dig deep for them.  I may hit the end of this year and have not fully met my goals.  Yet, not a day has gone by where I have not done something to work towards the goals I set for the year.  It all goes back to how you define success.  I am going to embrace the journey, detours included.  I am not going to quit. 

1 comment:

  1. The quality of our journey is defined by obstacles we overcome. No one ever gets through a journey such as the one you are on unscathed. The injuries, the pain, the joy, the overall awesomeness all contribute to the end product. You definitely need to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Hang in there, and remember to enjoy the ride.
