Friday 27 March 2015

Update - Week 5

This week had it's ups and downs.  I have had some great days - like Friday when I was able to finally get on the mats and swing my staff around.  There also some not so good days.  But everyday I did make progress, I did not give up.  My numbers are not where they need to be but I am learning that I can't define success entirely in my numbers.  I am getting stronger.  I am focused on my goals daily.  That is a success.

I had another physio appointment yesterday for my knee.  She was impressed with the progress I had made.  When I first went in I was 20 degrees short of being able to straighten my knee and I was only able to bend it to 90 degrees.  Yesterday I was only 5 degrees short of straight and could bend it to 110 degrees.  Not where it needs to be but heading in the right direction.  She has given me a bunch of strengthening exercises now.  I am allowed to stand on one leg!!!  I have also taken some long walks with my sweet walking partner and our speed has improved immensely.  Things are headed in the right direction.

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 5:

Push ups             3,619
Sit ups                3,785
Kempo                  27
Staff                      53
Sparring                30
KM                    28.3
AoK                     101

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  108
Piano                     10.25 hours
Books finished       3 
Daily fruit - haven't missed a day!!!
365 photo challenge - 6 days missed
Daily journal - missed 2 days

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