Monday 2 March 2015

The Busyness of Life

What is the answer that you hear more often than not when someone asks, "How are things going?"....


Everyone is so busy.  It almost like a badge our society insists that we wear.  A friend of mine posted a link to an article on Facebook yesterday that has had me really thinking about how I view life.  I am a busy person.  I am always on the go with too many places to be.  If someone asks me about life, the answer is busy.

The article talked about the cost of busyness on our mental and physical health.  Whether we have no choice or more often than not, have made the choice to be too busy - it causes stress.  We are rushed.  We are overwhelmed. 

So what does this mean in my life.  I have many things on my plate, but honestly, none of them are things that I am willing to give up at this time. (That is except housework.  That can go at anytime.)  And this was before the I Ho Chuan started...  That adds a whole new level of additional activity to life. 

So how can I battle the ill effects of busyness?  By changing my perspective on life.  Instead of playing the victim that has to do all of these things running around rushing and stressed, I can embrace life.  I can view them as choices and opportunities.  Today I had the opportunity to attend kung fu class.  I had the opportunity to go the Tri to do some extra training.  I had the opportunity to run errands.  I had the opportunity to spend some time doing housework and paying bills.  I had the opportunity to make my family supper.  Right away I will have the opportunity to help my little one with her home reading.  I could allow the "have to's" to drag me down or I can change my perspective. 

My hopes is that in the future my answer will not be "Busy" but "Blessed"!

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