Thursday 19 March 2015

Injury Update & Week Four Totals

Yesterday I had my first physio appointment for my knee.  There was positive news abounding!  She believes that everything that needs to be intact still is.  Due to swelling and her not having x-ray vision, she is unable to tell if there are tears or if things are just stretched a little too far.  In her words - ice is my friend!  I will know more after my MRI but she assured me that she would be treating my knee with the same exercises regardless of my results so I wait.  She has given me some exercises to do to help increase my range of motion and strengthen muscles that atrophy quickly when you limp around like I have been.  I go back next week.  I asked her if I could get back on the mats and she laughed at me.  Her response was as long as I don't try to balance on that leg, jump, bounce, run or kick.  Then she asked if that left anything...  It does not leave much during regular classes but I do plan to be on the mats on Friday night to work on my forms (with no stances) and to swing my stick around.

I know at the beginning of this adventure, I had said I would post my numbers weekly.  I did not post my week three totals.  There were a variety of not so amazing reasons for this - mostly I was mad, disappointed and bitter.  This week has been so much better.  I actually doubled every single number from last week.  There are still numbers that are suffering as a result of my knee but I am doing what I can.

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 4:

Push ups             2,869
Sit ups                2,785
Kempo                  23
Staff                      30
Sparring                30
KM                    24.5
AoK                     76

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  85
Piano                     7.5 hours
Books finished       3 
Daily fruit - haven't missed a day!!!
365 photo challenge - 4 days missed
Daily journal - missed 2 days

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