Monday 16 March 2015

Defining and Then Redefining Success

Back in November, this adventure called the I Ho Chuan was still an idea that I was playing with in my mind.  I spent a great deal of time thinking about what my goals should be for the coming year.  At the time success was easily defined.  You set your goals, you work your butt off, you meet all your goals.

Fast forward to February...  The adventure finally gets to begin.  I was not as strong out of the gate as I would have liked to have started but I was gaining momentum fast.  My earlier definition of success was still holding true.

It is now the middle of March, not even four full weeks in, and that definition of success is no longer working for me.  It is not motivating one little bit.  My injury has brought many of my numbers to a stand still.  I am starting to make some strides in some areas, other areas are still untouchable for the time being.

So what does one do in a situation like this...  I find that I am faced with two very real choices - give up or redefine success in a way that will motivate me.

As I have been pondering how exactly to perhaps redefine success for me, I read this tonight...
"To quit before reaching the finish line deprives us of the reward of completion and the strengthening of our character." This was buried in a chapter of the book I am currently reading called Own Your Life: Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith and Generous Love by Sally Clarkson.

Right now success does not look like meeting all of my goals, especially the physical ones.  Right now my focus is on healing my body. 

So how have I redefined success...  Each day has been a success if I have not quit the race.  I will not deprive myself of the reward of completion.  I will live this race one day at a time.  I will redefine success continually as I heal because what I am able to accomplish will look different day by day.  I will do what I can each day and rest in the satisfaction that I have made progress.  When I reach the finish line next February, I may not have obtained all my goals BUT I will have strengthened my character because of the journey.  In the end, that is what I believe the I Ho Chuan is really all about anyway.

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