Thursday 5 March 2015

Major Detour - Week 2

I was rocking out week 2 of the year of the sheep.  My numbers were getting stronger each day.  I had started filling in some of the gaps I had identified last year.  I was gaining momentum each day.  My entire outlook for the year was changing for the better.  Then...

Major detour hit yesterday morning in class.  We were working on flying kicks.  Our warm up was all about getting up into the air.  Despite being significantly shorter than my classmates, I was keeping pace.  First kick after warm up started out so well.  I ran.  I jumped - I mean really jumped.  I kicked that bag hard.  I was flying.  Then I was not...  To say the landing did not go well would be an understatement.  Best guess is that when I landed I seriously hyperextended my knee.

So here is what I do know.  My knee is not really working very well at all.  The X-rays came back looking good.  I have a lot of swelling.  I can't straighten it all the way.  I can't put my full weight on it.

Here is what I do not know.  I am waiting for an MRI.  I do not know the extent of the damage.  I do not know how long I will be on crutches.  I do not know when I will be able to return to class.  Pretty much the outlook for my journey this year is up in the air.

I ended week 2 with 6 hours in emergency.  Thank you Sifu Rybak for hanging with me all day long.  I can't even begin to thank you for your kindness.  I also want to thank my classmates who have been faithfully checking on me.  It has meant the world to me.

To be honest, I have started week 3 with a pity party with me, myself and I as the guest of honour.  I am allowing myself today.  Tomorrow it is back to it.  Tomorrow I am going to start figuring out which requirements I can still work on and how to modify the best I can.  I am choosing to not give up.

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 2:
Push ups             1524
Sit ups                1465
Kempo                  22
Staff                      30
Sparring                30
KM                    19.6
AoK                     40

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  43
Piano                     3.75 hours
Books finished       1 
Daily items - I did miss writing in my journal last night.  I was too tired and went to bed instead.

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