Saturday 4 April 2015

Making Miles - Week 6

Last week was a week of making miles.  We started the week out by heading to Calgary for the first part of spring break.  The weather was extraordinary for most of it.  We were also blessed to spend most of the time with my 3 year old nephew who is an absolute ray of sunshine.  We went to the pool, the park, walked along the river and hit the zoo.

Many of my numbers last week were much lower than they should have been.  The change in routine proved to be a bit of an undoing for my push ups and sit ups.  While my numbers on paper do not show that last week was very successful, it was in other ways.  I was mindful of my goals and did make progress towards some personal ones.  I relaxed and read while the kids played in the pool.  I sat in the sun and had a cup of tea with a very dear friend that I rarely get a face to face with.  I walked 25km total in our many outings which almost doubled my YTD number.  The highlight of the week was definitely my one-on-one date with Waylon.  We went on a 8km geocaching mission in Fish Creek Provincial Park.  We found three caches, absolutely could not find one and had some good laughs along the way.

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 6:

Push ups             3,969
Sit ups                4,145
Kempo                  29
Staff                      53
Sparring                30
KM                    53.3
AoK                     116

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  127
Piano                     10.92 hours
Books finished       3 
Daily fruit - haven't missed a day!!!
365 photo challenge - 7 days missed
Daily journal - missed 2 days

Heading into this week, my goal is to stay mindful of using each day and moment intentionally.  I have had a couple good days again with the push ups and sit ups.  I plan to maintain that.  I will be focusing more on forms this week.  My knee still does not allow me to do them full out but I will be working on them.

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