Thursday 9 April 2015

Maybe, Just Maybe... - Week 7

Last night I added up my numbers for the first seven weeks and I must admit - there was a happy dance going on in my living room!  When I signed up last fall, many of the goals seemed simply unattainable to me (can anyone say push ups!).  I was off to a fairly good start for the first little bit but my numbers were not quite where they needed to be and then day 14 stopped me dead in my tracks.  I did not give up.  I keep pushing myself within the limits my body has for me.  I continue to improve.  Last week I did 1,120 push ups!  That was the full 160 on all seven days.  I have to do them in sets that range from 10 to 20 and it takes me much of the day but I am doing them.  I just took a peak at where my numbers are based on where they should be.  I am definitely behind in most of them but if I can continue on at the pace I set this past week - all of a sudden these physical goals seem like they just may be attainable.  I just may be able to make up the ground that I have lost.  Now that is motivating! 

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 7:

Push ups             5,089
Sit ups                5,265
Kempo                  36
Staff                      91
Sparring                30
KM                       83
AoK                     138

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  145
Piano                     13.3 hours
Books finished       4 
Daily fruit - haven't missed a day!!!
365 photo challenge - 8 days missed
Daily journal - missed 2 days

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