Thursday 16 April 2015

Week 8 - Rollercoaster Ride

What a crazy ride this week has been.  I have had some definite wins.  I have also had some moments of sheer frustration and overwhelm.

The week started off with class on Friday.  Honestly, I was dreading class on Friday.  We had to perform our weapons form for the class.  I knew this.  I had been practicing.  I did not feel ready.  Friday came and I took a deep breath and went to class.  I did do my form.  Not only did I do my form - I DID NOT DROP MY STAFF!!!!  I know I just yelled that but if you have had the pleasure of practicing anywhere near me, you would know just how monumental that truly is.  Sifu Hayes and the rest of the class where so encouraging, kind and gracious.  It truly went from being an experience that I was ready to run from and turned it into one of my highlights this week.  I still have a ton of work to do but it is coming.

Then life set in.  My normal schedule is jam packed but this week was really crazy between birthday parties, naturopaths, orthodontists, sick kids and such.  I do not thrive on a go, go, go kind of schedule.  Knowing that, Monday I took time to get some sun and walk the dog.  That sweet beast walked his momma 11.3 km that day.  He was one happy pup!  Then Tuesday hit with a tire that would not hold air.  They don't seem to work as well when you have a screw stuck in them - imagine that.  Thought I had that under control until I walked out of kung fu on Wednesday morning and it was low again.  I do believe it is finally really fixed.  Anyways, just a few more days of chaos and then next week should settle down to my normal crazy.

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 8:

Push ups             6,209
Sit ups                6,385
Kempo                  50
Staff                      108
Sparring                30
KM                       105
AoK                     163

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  164
Piano                     14.7 hours
Books finished       5 
Daily fruit - haven't missed a day!!!
365 photo challenge - 10 days missed
Daily journal - missed 2 days

I have finally hit a good groove for push ups and sit ups.  I am not where I need to be to have 50,000 at the end of the year, but I am closing the gap.  This week I am going to focus on forms.  I need to find a way to make doing them part of my daily routine.

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