Tuesday 29 March 2016

Shaking Up the Routine

Last week I focused on avoiding the "laters" in my life.  My numbers were much better than they have been in weeks.  I could feel the momentum building, good routines forming.  All very exciting stuff.  Then...


Routines, especially new ones, are such fragile things.  I have already noticed a huge difference in the past couple days having the kids around all day long.  We have filled our days with sunshine and playdates (even one for mama).  It has been great.  I can't say the same for my numbers. 

The issue this week has not been so much the dreaded word "later".  This week the enemy is pure busyness.  It's not that I've been putting off my training.  It hasn't occurred to me to do it, that is until bedtime when I go to record my numbers and I realize how quickly the day has flown by with not much to record.

This issue is about to be compounded with a quick trip to Calgary to visit family.  My routines are going to be completely shot!  I think for this week the plan is squeeze in as much as I can remember to do while I enjoy my family.  Weeks like this are a great reminder of how important incremental progress and consistent action are to ever fragile routines.  It would also have been helpful to have had a little padding on my numbers too but alas, this is not the case. 

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