Saturday 5 March 2016

A Life Well Lived

The ups and downs of the past few weeks have given me a lot to think about.  Life is short.  Life is precious.  Life is meant to be lived.

I want to thank all of you for your love and support the past few weeks.  Thank you for your kind words.  Thank you for your hugs.  Thank you for not hugging when it would have been too hard.

My sweet warrior friend Julie had a beautiful end to her story.  Last weekend she was dealt news that she had fought hard to not hear for over five years.  Her beloved husband reached out to a community to grant her one last wish.  The campaign went absolutely viral.  Her final wish was granted.  She was flown home on Wednesday.  The smile on her face as she was photographed in Toronto getting ready to leave spoke volumes.  She made it home that day.  She spent her son's birthday with him.  She was able to visit and be loved on by those closest to her.  Despite her strong will to live, her lungs were not able to keep up with that will.  She breathed her last breath last night.

I was blessed to be able to watch her live every day knowing that each minute is precious.  It is a perspective that those of us who are blessed with our health tend to take for granted.  She loved well.  She made memories. She truly lived. 

Our natural tendency in life seems to be not to realize how fragile our very existence is.  We don't dream.  We don't step out of our comfort zones.  We waste so much time.  This is why I am so grateful that I signed up for the I Ho Chuan program again this year.  If you use the tools that it provides, it helps us fight these natural tendencies.  The road to mastery is really marked by a journey towards truly living fully.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you lost your friend. By the sounds of it she had a really blessed life. *hugs*
