Tuesday 1 March 2016

From Seriously??? To Amazed!!!!

I want to start by thanking everyone for all the love and encouragement this past week.  It means more than I can put into words.  Thank you!

Now for this week's blog.  I have two stories to tell.  Both speak to kindness shown by the people in our community.  One is of extreme disappointment, the other leaves me utterly speechless (oh and in tears again)....

Last Tuesday night during rush hour traffic there was a fender bender on 16A on the east end of Spruce Grove.  My husband came upon this accident.  It was not a serious accident.  Normally he would have just driven right on past but that night he noticed that one of the vehicles had been driven by a young woman.  That young woman had two small children.  As he was driving by he saw her struggling to get out her stroller in the middle lane of 16A so that she could hope to corral her little people.  He immediately turned back around and parked his truck behind her car and provided a warm place for her and her children to sit while they waited for the police and everyone else to come.  He was delighted by tales from the older one who happen to be "tree years old".  At the end of it all he drove them home.

While he was sitting there, he noticed how many people drove by.  He noticed the rubber neckers.  What he noticed that bothered him the most was how many people drove by videoing it all on their cell phones.  This was not a spectacular accident, just a fender bender, not video worthy at all.  He was utterly shocked that there was not another one as people made their way past.  Another thing he noticed was who did not stop.  He was driving his company truck.  At least three other trucks from the same company drove by the accident.  It surprised him that people would not stop for a co-worker who may be in need.  When he did finally get home, he was feeling great about how he helped out yet disappointed in others.

Then the emails started the next day.  Not only had the co-workers just driven on past, they had reported the accident at work.  Once Chad explained the real story, he was commended for his actions and thanked.  He is still disappointed in the behaviour of others.

This left me feeling a little jaded and upset as well.  I am super proud to be married to the kind of man who stops when he sees someone in need.  Yet it left me thinking of how often people miss opportunities to show kindness.  His act was not extraordinary, it was just perfectly timed.

This leads me to the second story.  This week my sweet warrior friend was delivered the news that they had all been suspecting but prayed was not true.  Her cancer treatments were ineffective.  Her cancer has continued to spread.  There is nothing more that the medical community can do for her except help keep her as comfortable as possible for the time she has left, which they do not suspect is long.  Their hearts desire was to not have to spend that time in Toronto.  Her number one dying wish is to come back home to die.  In order to do this, she would need a medivac which seemed beyond what they could afford.  Her husband reached out to our community through a GoFundMe campaign to ask for some assistance with the costs.  The response in the short 24 hours that it has been live has been nothing short of amazing.  The love that this community has shown this amazing family is beyond what anyone had hoped.  Her campaign has gone viral.  Complete strangers have been moved by her story and are giving.  They now have all the money they need to bring her home.  I am just waiting to hear that she is on her way.  The hope is that they can give their son the ultimate birthday present - a huge hug from his mama.  His seventh birthday is tomorrow.

I encourage each of you to go to the GoFundMe page.  I am not asking you to give.  I am asking you to read her story told by her husband.  He tells the story of love, commitment, struggle, fight and heartbreak in ways that only someone who has walked this story can.  Julie is an amazing warrior.  She has blessed everyone who has had the opportunity to be around her.  Her smile, her zeal for life, her heart for others despite her own battles is inspiring.  In a world of mediocrity, she shines out as someone who has stood in constant battle to live a life of meaning and purpose.  Her story is amazing and I feel blessed to call her a friend. 


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