Sunday 31 March 2019

Ouch! And not the good kind....

This week started out awesome!  The new routine with the gym membership was working out fantastic.  My requirements were being done daily.  I was looking forward to totaling up everything at the end of the week and basking in the sheer awesomeness!  That is until it stopped being so awesome.

One of my personal requirements this year is to go for a monthly massage.  The purpose behind this requirement was first to take care of my body and to keep it running as best I can while abusing it preparing for grading day.  I finally went for my first one this week.  If you want a seriously good torture session - I have found the girl for you! 

The first night I felt pretty good.  The second day I had many very tender spots but overall was feeling pretty great.  Then Thursday this nagging pain started on my left side of my tush.  By Friday there was no doubt in my mind that my sciatic nerve has a rather significant beef with the poking and prodding it received.  I walked and stretched and used the foam roller and by Saturday morning was actually feeling much better.  I did a lame attempt at the Advanced Combatives Class and chose to not push through open training.  It appear that I may have done too much yesterday anyways because it is really cranky again today.

I am grateful that the week started off strong.  It helps a little to make up for the not so fantastic finish.  I will get this pain in my tush figured out as quickly as possible and will do as much as I can in the meantime hopefully without aggravating it further.  It appears that my aging body is just like my kung fu, sometimes things need to get broken before they can be fixed...

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