Friday 1 March 2019

Goodbye February, Hello March...

I must admit that I am happy to have the month of February behind me.  I had great plans to start the Year of the Pig strong.  The plan did not proceed as I hoped.  Very quickly my work life took over nearly spare moment in my days, especially in the past two weeks.  I am pleased to say that all deadlines were met at 4:00 yesterday.  It is time to move forward.

After meeting my deadlines, I was able to shift my focus to other areas of my life.  I picked up the book for the grading reading assignment from the library and cracked it open while listening to my daughter's choir practice.  I wrote in my journal.  I updated the last week's numbers in my tracker.  I attended last night's class and was able to truly focus on being there and getting down to business.  It was a great way to end a tough month.

March is now here.  It is time to refocus on a much more balanced approach.  It is time to take the lessons of February and apply them going forward.  There will always be short seasons where there is a need to be single focused.  This is not sustainable without blowing up every other part of life.  I want to live in a way that I can healthily maintain.  I want to live in a way that takes my ordinary life and apply excellence to each moment - not just putting bandaids on issues and just barely getting by.

Today is the a fresh start.  To be honest, I feel mixed emotions about that.  There is promise and excitement and there is overwhelm and fear.  Funny how sometimes life sends the same message over and over (apparently once is not enough).  Between listening to a podcast, reading from a book and a much needed parking lot pep talk, the message is clear - Scrap the huge mental to do list and just focus on the one thing that is right in front of me!  Feeling overwhelmed is not going to be even remotely helpful.  Being in the moment, putting one foot in front of the other and just focusing on the requirements that have been laid out for me is how I will move forward this month.

1 comment:

  1. I am feeling a bit of the same! We’ve got this girl!
