Monday 6 March 2017

So Many Little Opportunities

Today I am really pumped about my journey!  My groove isn't completely back but the consistency is coming and things are definitely headed in the right direction.  My numbers are no where close to where they need to be.  So why then am I so pumped?  Life has handed me a huge pile of little opportunities in the past week and I have chosen to grab on to them.

The first opportunity came through a podcast I was listening to last week as I was driving.  The speaker was talking about a bible study that she was putting together along with a challenge group for Lent.  The focus for the 40 days of Lent was decluttering life.  The challenge was to get rid of 10 things each day to make room for peace.  Just the kick start I needed on my goal to deep clean and declutter my home!  Definitely not a fun goal but one that I am seeing a huge need to deal with.

The next opportunity came over Facebook.  A lady I know put a call out for help.  She has been struggling with losing weight and was wanting to put together a month long support group to work on eating habits with the end result being weight loss.  I had really cleaned up my diet last fall and had some fantastic success but then Christmas happened....  I let some bad habit slip back in....  The weight has stayed off but I still have not reached my goal.  I jumped on in and that starts today.

Then as I was cleaning out my email -yes, that can be called decluttering too, I found an email from Pam's Woolly Shoppe.  They have a learn to knit class starting tomorrow during the day.  Just three short sessions on Tuesday mornings.  Learning to knit was another goal I had set for this year.  I had planned to maybe use YouTube or ask some of my knitting friends but this screamed accountability and get it done!  Super excited about that one!

Then there is another personal goal that I have been struggling to get started on.  Yesterday during the sermon at church, I was given different perspective on where to start and that has me excited too.

Finally, my weapon form...  The idea of making up my own form was really stretching me in ways that I was not appreciating.  I love to learn.  I like to ask questions.  I like to get answers to my questions.  Making up your own form doesn't really work like that.  I have been playing with them a fair amount and working through some videos trying to figure out how to do cool things without clubbing myself to death but not really much progress on stringing anything together.  I wasn't overly worried about it.  I had until the end of March.  Then at the meeting Sifu Brinker said that they would be looking at our forms this week.  Yikes!  Since then I have managed to piece together a beginning and an ending and another sequence for a middle.  I just need to smooth out some transitions and I have a rough beta version.

Opportunities do not have to be huge to still be opportunities.  They are everywhere we look if our eyes are open and we are ready to receive them.  Anyways, I am off to get ready for class!

1 comment:

  1. Even small opportunities can result in huge benefits. Sounds like it was a great week.
