Saturday 8 October 2016

Focused on Thankfulness

It is that time of year, the time where we are all focused on our blessings and giving thanks.  This week I have had many great chats with my sweet girl and situations that have left my heart blessed.

On Wednesday, I chose to miss kung fu class to attend the first joint chapel of the school year with my kids.  It was a special day in many ways.  The school program that my kids attend was structured as a K-9 program under one roof.  With the boundary changes, they have had to split the kids up between two different schools.  There has been questions about how that will work and play out.  On Wednesday, the little ones made the trek across the road and they had everyone under one roof.  The speakers were the Soap Box Duo.  They are a local musical group.  They have a really cool, unique sound and are so talented.  Anyone who can sing in a school gym and still sound amazing has real talent.  Once the singing was over they presented a powerful chat about gratitude.  I am so lucky that my kids get these opportunities at school.

On Thursday as we were driving to kung fu, Georgia asked me what my favourite season was.  After chatting, we decided we loved them all.  There is something wonderful about each and every one.  From how crisp and clean the world looks after a new snow fall, to the bright green of new leaves blooming on the trees and the flowers bursting from the ground in spring, to the lazy lake days of summer, to the colourful display of nature and crisp mornings of fall - there are things to appreciate if you stop to think.  The one that she found the funniest was that I loved the smell of dirt when the farmers are turning the soil in the spring and when I'm working in the garden in the summer.

Anyways, my point is that this weekend we are all very focused on our blessings.  That is great but it must not stop there.  Blessings don't just come with turkey or tofurkey or turduckin or whatever we chose to eat this weekend.  Blessings are in our days today, tomorrow and every single day.  We need to just open our eyes and hearts to receive them.

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