Friday 21 October 2016

Be Still, Be Present

So I know I just blogged two days ago, but Guiness & I had the best chat today while we were out for a walk and I wanted to write myself a little reminder so you are all going to get it...  He is just the best listener and allows me to ramble on until I finally get to the point.

This week has been ridiculously crazy.  I look back at everything that was packed into my week and I totally understand why I feel all over the place and exhausted.  Every single day was filled to overflowing with appointments and places to be.  I was also flying solo as this was really the first full week that Chad has been out of town since the end of last November.  I can honestly say that my super hero cape is not bunched up in my panties today but parts of it looks like it may have met a shredder...

So obviously my body was not very still and neither was my mind.  It spent the entire week pinging all over the place trying to keep track of everything that was going on plus mentally trying to do everything that I seriously did not have the time or capacity to do.  It is hard to get your computer work or housework done if you are driving in circles in the car...  At one point my brain was so overloaded that I got myself lost driving to a friend's house in Parkland Village.  I had to humble myself and ask her to direct me back to where I needed to be and we had a good laugh once I arrived.  This is just an indication of where my brain was at (or not).

Then I reflected on this next week.  My calendar this next week puts a smile on my face.  There are lots of white spaces.  Yay!  There are no extras in the next week really.  Part of me started to celebrate thinking break time!!!  Then the other side of me scolded that side and said that it was time to buckle down and get everything done that hasn't been done for the last year.  Yes, my inner spirit is often at complete odds with itself.

So today, Guiness and I decided that I would take neither of these approaches.  Taking a full fledge break is not going to really be restful, more like guilt-ridden.  In addition, I know me.  I need to keep myself in motion because if I stop, often I get sick and there is no time for that nonsense.  So we decided that I should approach this week in the middle of these two extremes. 

This week the focus is to be still mentally while continuing to move physically.  The best way that I can think to do that is to stay present in exactly what I am doing and not be focusing in the last five things I didn't do quite right and the next twenty things that will likely not get accomplished.  One thing at a time.  One focus at a time.  One breathe at a time.  A still and present mind...

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