Monday 17 August 2015

Reflections : The Halfway Mark

Life is a crazy, constantly changing thing.  We are encouraged to live in the moment to get the most out of life - that is where the action actually happens.  Yet to truly get the most out of life, there are times where it is important to pause and look at where we started and where we are right now.

Did you guys even realize that this weekend marked the half way point of our I Ho Chuan year?!?  It seems like yesterday that we were all celebrating the start of this year.  Yet, it feels like an eternity has passed since that date as well.

This past six months, I have definitely had a unique journey from most of the team.  I do not believe in luck, which is a good thing because then I would really have to wonder...  I do believe in learning experiences.  That is what this year has tossed my way.  I have had two major stops in my training.  I have had to fight back.  Many people would have packed it in, especially after the knee injury at the two week mark.  Just as I was really hitting a great rhythm, now I am at the start of a new pause as I deal with the soft tissue injuries from my car accident.  More learning experiences than I thought I'd get in such a short time period.

Milestone dates and pauses...  These provide the time and the context to reflect - to really look back.

At the start of this year, I really did not believe that I could obtain the physical goals.  The thought of doing 50,000 push ups in a lifetime seemed pretty far out there, let alone in one year.  Seriously, I could only do 3 push ups at a time.  That is a lot of sets...  And really, who would want to.  Push ups are really hard.  My biggest obstacle was that I didn't believe that I had it in me.

I am not able to tell you that I am at that magical 25,000 mark.  I can tell you that in the first six months of this year is did do 20,634 push ups.  When I look at that number it blows my mind.  The next thing that is blowing my mind is that in the past week I have had to stop doing push ups - and I actually miss them. 

I just looked back over my daily log.  March 4th I had hardly anything to report expect for 6 hours in emergency with Sifu Rybak.  My next reportable km were on March 10th.  I managed to walk 1.5 km and it only took me 42 minutes.  That was a huge moment for me.  Now to think that I have put on nearly 425 km walking with my sweet hound after that injury (only now at a much faster pace).

That is just couple of examples of the changes this year has already brought into my life.  I have gone from doubting my own abilities completely to truly starting to believe that perhaps someday I could dream about a black belt.  I have had to fight hard.  I am finding out what I am made of.  I am finding that the more I have to fight, the more I want it.

I have promised my physiotherapist that I will behave for the next week or so but then I am coming back swinging.  So far this journey has been beyond anything I could have ever imagined.  I can hardly wait to see what is in store for the second half of the year.

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