Thursday 27 August 2015

I Need A Bigger Eraser

My name is Karen and I am a control freak. There I said it. 

I am the kind of girl who makes a decision (usually fairly quickly), makes a plan (with a list of to do's) and then works the plan. This started at a fairly young age. When I was single, it was fairly easy. Then when I got married, it was a little more challenging but since Chad worked away a lot, I still had a great deal of control. Then we had kids.....  

The past twelve years have been an education and on many days an exercise in frustration. I would love to report that I no longer need to be in control but that would be a lie. 

This past month has been especially frustrating. I had my goals. I had my plan. I was working the plan. It was going well. Then the accident stopped all of that. My well planned out life needed to be adjusted. All of a sudden there were tons of appointments and even more restrictions on what I could do. I am happy to say that I think we are having a lot of success in treating the whiplash. 

Now the issue is the lingering concussion. One of the most lovely side affects has been difficulty in making simple decisions. Add in a plan that I am no longer able to work and there is a lot of frustration mixed with mental fatigue. 

This week has been no different. I was so grateful that my hubby was able to finally get home on Sunday night. We were supposed to leave to go camping Wednesday. Monday morning the phone rings. It is his mom letting us know that his grandma had passed away. 

Monday was filled with phone calls, changing plans, new plans, scrapping those plans and starting over. We now have a plan. We leave in the morning. Instead of heading west with the trailer, we are heading east. The funeral is Tuesday in Saskatchewan so we are turning the trip into a holiday. 

This week has been filled with constantly changing plans. My poor calendar on the kitchen wall has had quite a workout. 

All that to say, years ago a very wise control freak (my mom) gave me some great advice. Write everything in pencil so that you can erase it if needed. I think I need a bigger eraser. 

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