Thursday 25 June 2015

Week 18 - Year End Craziness

Last week I set the goal to remain balanced in my numbers while working to decrease the gap between where I am and where I should be.  I realized what a lofty goal that was after looking at my calendar.  There is only one more day of school left.  This past week my calendar has been jam packed with either appointments that I wanted out of the way while I still had my kiddos occupied or year end activities for the school.  The past week has really felt like a full out sprint to the finish and I am definitely feeling the wear and tear of it on my mind and body.  Yet, I did not want to lose that momentum.  I had to dig deep this week to just maintain my numbers, but I did.  I did achieve the first part of this week's goal.  I did keep the balance.  The second part of the goal was somewhat achieved.  In most areas I did make up some lost ground (at times only by 5).  This was not really what I had in mind but it truly was all I had to give this week.

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 18:
Push ups             14,944
Sit ups                17,775
Kempo                  136
Staff                      236
Sparring                255
KM                       368.5
AoK                     353
Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  365
Piano                     30.6 hours
Books finished       10 
Daily fruit - 111 days
365 photo challenge - 89 days
Daily journal - 120 days

With school ending tomorrow, that means that my life is about to take a crazy shift in dynamics.  I am finding that although my weekly numbers look fairly balanced, the way that I am getting them in is not really working very well for me.  I find that I am putting off my requirements many days until after the kids are in bed.  Then the panic hits and I start seeking out ways to get my numbers in.  The result is I am trying to do too much when I am tired already (I am not really a night owl).  My sleep is suffering because I am staying up too late trying to fit it all in.  This week my goal is to maintain the momentum that I have found BUT to shift the execution of it to earlier in the day.


  1. Remember every bit helps to keep the momentum going. You have been doing great!

  2. Mrs.Bergsteiser you are awesome and so is your progress.

  3. Try to incorporate your kids into part of it.

  4. You're in a phase that many of us commonly slip into. Keep your perspective and while you are focusing on where you want to be, take time to appreciate where you are and how far you have come. You have been a fantastic teammate and your leadership on this team has been outstanding.
