Thursday 18 June 2015

Week 17 - Balance Is Possible

I had a good week for numbers this past week.  I hit my weekly target in most areas.  There were two exceptions - kempo and piano.  This is the most balanced that I have been yet.  Most weeks I end up focusing on one area and all of the other areas suffer.  I had also set the goal to get caught up on sit ups - DONE!!! 

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 17:
Push ups             13,954
Sit ups                16,755
Kempo                  122
Staff                      211
Sparring                235
KM                       331.3
AoK                     331
Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  343
Piano                     30.6 hours
Books finished       10 
Daily fruit - 108 days
365 photo challenge - 87 days
Daily journal - 113 days

My goal for this next week is to continue on with the balance - increasing my numbers to start catching back up some of my other goals. 

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