Wednesday 10 June 2015

'Tis The Season....

Just when you feel like you are getting things figured out...  Just when you are building an awesome momentum...  Life throws change in your path.

Last week I was feeling totally pumped and on fire.  Momentum was all building in the right direction.  It was awesome! 

This week I have experienced some growing pains.  I love living out in the country.  I love having my own little piece of paradise away from the chaos of the world.  With that paradise comes the work to keep it a paradise.  I love to mow the lawn.  I like getting dirty in my garden.  I love deciding what's for dinner based on what is growing out there.

All this happy work does come with a cost though.  And that cost is a ton of time.  Time that I would usually use to get my I Ho Chuan goals accomplished.  So although my lawn is mowed and my cucumbers and squashes are found and all are awaiting tonight's desperately needed and promised rain - my numbers today are terrible.

Add to this that school is nearly done.  There is a ton of busyness involved in the last couple weeks of school plus the mad dash to get all my appointments done before the kids are home fulltime.  Soon my home will be filled with 24/7 delightful distractions.  Hubbie is also transitioning into a new work schedule which seems to change by the minute. 

All that to say - I believe that I am going to have to fight hard to find the time to fit in my requirements.  I am going to have to be on the lookout for opportunities and be quick to seize them.  For the next couple of months, I need to find a way to maintain momentum in amidst the other so that I don't dig myself into a hole before we reach the 1/2 way mark of this year.  Thank goodness mastery is a journey taken one day, one minute, one step at a time.

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