Thursday 4 June 2015

Week 15 - Turning Things Up a Notch

The start of June has brought a new energy.  I believe it is a combination of many things.  I am finally starting to really feel better.  I think I've more or less kicked the viral thing that had been dragging me down the past couple weeks.  I cut back on my push ups for the first part of the week and the pain in my chest is mostly gone - only a small twinge every once in a while.  The other kick is that summer is just around the corner.

I have mixed feelings about summer right now.  I love that we get to take a break from school.  I will lose no sleep over not having to deal with homework or making yet another sandwich.  The kids are ready for some downtime too.  They are ready for a slower pace mixed in with some fun.  The other side of summer is that my whole routine (if that's what you can call it) is turned upside down.  Yesterday in class I was asking about fitting it all in.  I have been getting better at managing my requirements on the most part.  I am still struggling to get it all in and I am especially struggling to find extra time to actually work on my curriculum.  With the kids home, I really don't suspect that is going to get any easier.

I am behind in almost all of my requirements.  I am planning to use this surge of energy to set some very specific goals for this month and hit things hard.  The first goal is that I am going to have my sit up requirement caught up by the next I Ho Chuan meeting.  The 1000 day on Monday really helped fix up that one.  I am less than 700 behind.  I can make that up easily in the next week if I just get down on the floor and take care of business. 

This week I finally took Sifu Hayes up on his advice to bike.  Twice this week I packed myself up and went to the Tri to ride the exercise bikes there.  It was awesome!  Racked up a ton of kilometres quickly and really worked up a huge sweat.  I have slugging along trying to get my kilometres in.  Since one of my personal goals was to lose weight, I had decided all of my kilometres this year had to be deliberate exercise.  I had planned to take up running again to help get this done.  As of yet, I have not been able to do that so I have been walking my sweet beast for hours.  He loves his walks but the numbers have just not been quite enough.  As of last night, I am 184km behind where I believe I should be.  My goal is to be caught up by the July meeting.  This is completely doable.  I am going to take advantage of sweating off the calories on the bike supplemented by walking Guiness to reach this goal.

The next problem area is forms...  I have not yet devised a plan in my head on how I'm going to tackle that hole I've dug.  Perhaps I'll have an idea for next week's post.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I also have some personal goals that need some attention.  One in particular has a set deadline for the end of June.  I have made good progress on that one and I will definitely write about it once I have nailed it.  There are others that are not going well at all.  I am going to sit down and make a plan for those as well.

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 15:

Push ups             12,284
Sit ups                14,095
Kempo                  109
Staff                      184
Sparring                125
KM                       292.2
AoK                     295

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  303
Piano                     29.5 hours
Books finished       8 
Daily fruit - 99 days
365 photo challenge - 81 days
Daily journal - 101 days

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