Monday 26 March 2018

Momentum - Ebbs & Flows

Everywhere we look in life, there are cycles.  Highs and lows...  Then another round of highs and lows...  We see this in nature, particularly in our lovely Alberta climate.  We see this in our moods and energy.

I have noticed a trend over the past few years in the IHC.  I usually start the week off with a high.  I write my blog.  I look at my numbers.  I give myself I swift kick in the bottom and off to class I go...  My momentum seems to waiver a little but then Wednesday I start my day off again with a kung fu class and I am back in the game again (at least to some degree).  Thursday is often very busy but I have piano which is like a warm hug and then end the day off with class.  No matter how the day has gone, it ends well.  Friday...  By Friday I find that I am sinking into a momentum low.  My focus shifts to getting ready for the weekend.  In the past the weekend has flown by full and fast but not with much intention with regards to my more physical requirements.  Then I am back to my wake up call on Monday.

So far this year, I have managed to add another blip into the weekend by coming to open training.  In the past, it was hard to get there.  Saturday always seems to be busy, especially if Chad has the day off.  It was not always well received when I'd want to take off in the middle of the day to go train.  This year has been different because I am not the only one in the house wanting to take advantage of open training.  It has been a huge help.

Looking more closely at my own personal cycle of kung fu momentum, there are a few things that I have noticed.

The first is that most days, even my highs are not quite high enough.  Compared to the average person, the number of push ups I have already done this year is quite fantastic but I am not on track to meet my goals.  I need to start edging those highs up to a level that will meet those goals but not to a level that is not maintainable.

The second thing that I would like to work on is the lows.  Having ups and down is inevitable...  My goal is to make the difference between those highs and lows as consistent and steady as possible.  Really, the goal is to eliminate the all or nothing mentality.  I would love to get to the point where my Monday check in was more of a celebration than a kick in the pants.

My goal this week is consistent momentum!  Now this makes me giggle a little since it is spring break.  All sense of any routine that I normally have has been virtually shot out the window.  Then add to that, we are out of town for the Easter weekend.  Yes, I have a planned trip right in the middle of where I usually lose my momentum...  I indeed do have my work cut out for me.

Numbers as of March 25/18
Push ups      3229/ 50 000
Sit ups         3280/ 50 000
Kempo           37/ 1000
WuDang Sword 199/ 1000
Distance     192.8/1609
Kicks       581/ 50 000
Sparring     40/ 1000
AoK         120/1000
Gratitude  117/1000
Journal      34/355
Piano    7.0 hours/ 80 hours
Reading   4/24 books
Geocaches  4/120 finds

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you come out for Saturday should definitely help with your momentum. It's good to see you there!
