Monday 19 February 2018

Never Miss a Monday...

Monday is my reset day.  I send my family out into the world and I take a moment to collect myself and set the world back into some semblance of order.  This is the day I use to really look at my week and put on my game face.  An important part of that process for me is sitting down to write my blog.

Now I must admit, today does not look like a traditional Monday...  There are people everywhere and it is a little more challenging to establish order when they are in my midst.  They may need to tread carefully or they will be given jobs (that'll teach them to not have school).

This is the first Monday of the Dog Year.  Even though it is not a normal Monday, I was determined to start the year off right.  That was one of my lessons from last year.  It is easy to say that I will do my requirements later - after all, I do have all year...  I have also learned that it is easy to dig a big hole and even though the journey is about continual improvement, that hole can really kick the motivation right out the door.  It is harder and harder to start as the hole grows larger and larger. 

So far this year, I am mostly on track.  I am off to a good start.  I am using the Persistence app that Ms. Gibbons recommended.  It is working way better for me than the spreadsheet I was using last year.  I had planned to go back to pen and paper but this makes it feel a little like a game to be honest.  I gives it a fresh feeling and I happen to have my tracking system with me most off the time.

I am off to reset and conquer this Monday!

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