Tuesday 24 October 2017

Hold Up Just A Minute....

It's that time of year!  Can't you feel it!

The kwoon is filled with excited chatter.  The IHC Dog Team is filling quickly.  Are you in?  What are your goals for next year?  What forms are you doing?  What's your weapon?  How did you set up this goal in the past?  Where should my focus be?

Last year at this time I was really struggling.  I knew I needed to stay on the team, if for no other reason than I needed to keep my kung fu family close, but I totally lacked any excitement.  I set the goals I knew I needed to set.  There was not a great deal of enthusiasm involved.  This year it is very different.  Right now I am in the healthiest mental state I've been in for a couple of years.  I am finding my brain going a million miles an hour filled with ideas.  I have all these things I want to do.  I have many things that need attending to in my life.  Then there are the goals I need to keep in front of me as I get closer and closer to contemplating a black belt grading in the next few years.  So many goals!!!!

But wait!  It is still the year of the Rooster!  I have so much unfinished business to focus on to finish this year strong.  I think some of the struggle comes from the fact that I am not nailing my goals this year.  Every single cell in my body is ready for that ultimate restart yet that does not happen until February.  It is still October.  There is much to do - now!  It is in the now that I will set up next year.  Some of my unfinished goals lead into what I want to do next year. 

So for today, I will shift my focus back to now. 

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