Wednesday 7 September 2016

System Rebooted

So what to blog about when you have no idea what to blog about...  This is where I am at this week.

We are in full back to school mode.  Last week was fantastic.  Just three days of school to ease us all in plus no evening activities.  This is normally one of my favourite weeks of the year.  It is almost like New Year's - an opportunity to start fresh.  This year was actually such a change of pace that I crashed.  When you live a life of go, go, go...  sometimes when you stop to readjust, everything seems to just stop.  That is exactly what happened on Friday.  I was not really sick, just completely exhausted to the point of not being able to function.  Lots of rest and sleep over the weekend and this has passed thankfully because this week is full out.

This week has four days of school, a fiddle lesson, piano lessons, orthodontist appointments, massage, kung fu classes...  Back into the full swing.  It really is a pace that keeps me hopping and requires me to be constantly on my game. 

With the attempted return to having a schedule, I have also attempted to get my numbers going again.  I was nailing things pretty good last week until my system crashed.  The past few days have been better again.  Still striving for consistency.  The reality is that my numbers are not impressive for how late in the year we are but I can work hard to make that change.  I have taken a good look at my goals and where I am at and where I said I wanted to be at the end of the year.  Not sure that the full numbers are truly obtainable (they may be provided I have no more crashes and life does not happen ;) ).  In the meantime, I have where I want to be by the end of September in front of me and I am doing what I can to take consistent action to get there.

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