We all have different injuries and issues that we must manage. I find that the older I get, the more I'm required to carefully manage my physical health. No more taking it for granted... I need to be carefully checking in. How do my hips feel? How is my knee? Does it feel unstable? Have a stretched out the back of my legs lately? Calves??? Have I done my core exercises? What about my arms? Then there is my mental maintenance for the post concussion symptoms I am still working through.
It has been brought to my attention that in the effort to pursue my mental maintenance, that I have neglected one very important body part. With all of the physical issues that I have encountered over the years, honestly the hardest one for me is the carpal tunnel in my wrists. Every other issue requires action. I can do my exercises, stretch, roll around on my foam roller and try not to cry. I apparently spent too much time weeding a little too much vigour. The result is that my garden therapy has lead to sleepless nights and a host of other not so lovely results.
What does this mean for my training and goals? Well, I am having to be very careful with my wrists. After a chat with Sifu Vantuil, push ups are being done on my knuckles. Yup, that is definitely slowing things down. I have been swinging my sword around less but I am grateful that I am not needing to work on a staff form right now. There are many of my goals that this does impact in a some way or another but I am doing what I can to take it a little more slowly and trying to not aggravate it further. Hopefully next week the doctor can help me out with some good anti-inflammatories to get things back under control. I have tried graston (which is torture) and had small successes in the past and may look into that again next week if things don't start to improve.
Anyways, I am feeling a little done with the keyboard. It's hard to type with sleepy hands... So I am off to races slowly and carefully...
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