Saturday 18 June 2016

Garden Therapy

So this blog is really late.  I have no good reason really.  I have been thinking about what to blog all week.  I have ideas come and go but when it's time to sit down and actually do the work...  So instead of sitting staring at a blinking curser, I head out to the garden.

I love this time of year.  I love how everything seems so fresh.  I love listening to the birds chirp and feeling the sunshine on my face.

This year I've really had a different mindset about my garden.  In the past I've often felt a great deal of resentment about the garden.  It was huge.  The weeds were always out of control.  More often than not, the yield was terrible.  Last year was the worst.  Nothing grew well and after my accident, the weeds totally took over.  This spring my sweet hubbie offered to just put the whole thing back to grass.

There is nothing like being given the option to quit to reaffirm your desires.  I had felt that I must garden in the past.  This year, I choose to garden.  This year is also different because I am gardening on my own terms.  The garden is 1/3 the size it has ever been with the same amount of seeds planted.  So much less room for the weeds to flourish!

Anyways, I guess my point is that I am loving being out there this year.  I have spent at least an hour a day (when it's not raining) with my finger coated in dirt.  I am loving my garden therapy!  That is until my boss summons and reminds me that I need to get my butt back in the house and onto the computer.  I hate it when I am so unreasonable....

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