Tuesday 12 July 2016

New Day, New Start

This year has been so completely different than last year so far.  Last year I spent most of the time fighting physical injuries.  The setbacks seemed constant and huge and honestly required my full attention.  Yet in all of that, they at the same time helped me stay focused on my goals and fighting each day to meet them.

At the meeting we talked about mountain top years and fresh starts.  Last year in many ways was so hard, yet awesome.  Physically, I sure took a beating yet when I look at the numbers I did accomplish in the face of that, I was cruising at a pretty high altitude.

This year, I feel like my gaze is constantly up.  The battles this year are more mental.  There are no physical reasons for me to not meet my requirements on a daily basis.  Honestly, most days that I don't it is because I chose not to do them or I was so wrapped up in life that I forgot that I was supposed to do them.  I look at my numbers journal and there is a pattern.  I nail it for a few days and then not so much...  Obviously, this is where my lack of habits shines through...

So for today, I am choosing a fresh start.  I am not on the mountain top but I am still in the game.  Each moment is full of opportunity, now to choose which opportunities to embrace.

1 comment:

  1. 2nd year slump is common. You're correct about structure and habit. There is no substitute.
