Thursday 23 July 2015

Week 22 - Not Just One, But Two

When I sat down last fall to set my personal goals, there was one priority that hit the top of the list without any hesitation - my family.  I knew that taking on this challenge would mean change for everyone.  It was important to me that they knew that they still more important than kung fu.  To help with that, the goal I set was to have 12 one-on-one dates with each of my favourite people.

Keeping track of these outings has really shone a bright light on the season of life that we are in as a family.  With Chad working out of town but having set days at home, we have managed to fit in many lunch dates.  They often happen just as he is heading out for another shift away.  Also with the kids getting a little older, we are able to slip out easier.  I had thought dates with him would be the hardest to fill - that has not proven to be the case.

Next we have my sweet girl...  It feels like we are together constantly - often one-on-one.  I have had to make an effort to make meaningful dates with her - doing what she wants and really focusing on her instead of just doing life dragging her along with me.

The one that seems to always be on the losing end of this is my Waylon.  With one child able to stay home alone or even babysit but the other child not being old enough quite yet to stay home alone - this adds a challenge.  When Chad is home we seem to be either doing things as a whole family or he is sneaking off with Waylon to scout out hunting grounds or to shoot guns at targets in the bush.  I love watching their relationship change as he grows older.  But...  I have struggled to be able to get my own time in with him.

This week little one had a birthday party sleep over at a friends house.   Chad was out of town.  It was just me and my boy for almost 24 hours!  On Friday night after kung fu, we watched the Fast and the Furious.  He is now on a one boy mission to see each and every one of them.  Then on Saturday we headed into the city and did some geocaching in Terwillegar Park then lunch at MyFries.  We had such a good time.  It really helped our relationship too.  There were no distractions, no little sister, a whole lot less attitude....  Definitely a highlight this week!

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 22:
Push ups             18,734
Sit ups                21,345
Kempo                  184
Staff                      274
Sparring                470
KM                       414.2
AoK                     423
Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  440
Piano                     35.5 hours
Books finished       11 
Daily fruit - 124 days
365 photo challenge - 103 days
Daily journal - 144 days

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