Monday 26 August 2019

Summer Reflections....

Everywhere you look you can see the signs that life is switching gears.  The stores have pretty much hidden anything that resembles summer and all that can be found is back to school items.  I've even seen the odd winter coat...  Although that seems like it is rushing summer away, the reality is that the season is shifting. 

I had this mental picture of what summer was going to look like.  Camping, lots of time outside, more relaxed pace, time to recharge and collect myself... 

That is not how life turned out this summer.  Camping was cancelled for work (a little grateful because the weather that week was miserable).  Time outside was hindered by our abnormally wet summer.  The relaxed pace looked more like time to be a chauffeur driving people here and there and everywhere.  I definitely do not feel recharged and collected.  Last week I found myself at a place where what I needed most was to cancel everything that was not a must and spend our evenings at home.

I also had a dream that I was nailing my goals for this IHC year.  The requirements for black belt grading would have been pretty much all checked off.  The only one that I have successfully done is the First Aid Course.  I would be well on my way as far as physically preparing for grading day.  Well, I was not nearly as active as I planned.  I do feel physically better than I did at the beginning of the summer but no great strides have been made forward in this area either.  My house would be decluttered and clean.  Now I really feel like I have been dreaming.  It is nearly impossible to reorder life in your home when you are treating it as a launching pad all summer.

I am working at accepting where I am at right now.  My dream and my reality have a serious gap between them.  The past is done, all I can work on is the present.  Life is about to get even busier with school starting but the introduction of more structure in our home will be helpful.

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