Tuesday 25 June 2019

Trust the System

Tonight's class was an excellent reminder of where I am and what I need to be doing this year.  The IHC program lays out exactly what is expected of anyone who is planning to be a black belt candidate.  When you sign up for the program you agree to follow the program.  The candidates last year proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the program works if you follow it.

I am finding the process of grading overwhelming.  There seems to be so much information that I need to pack into my brain.  Then there is all of that information that I need to figure out how to own and then translate into my own movements.  We are learning a system and that system will only work if actual sweat is put into it.  Then there is the fitness component.... 

Then I reground myself...  I need to listen and trust the system.  I need to follow the IHC requirements to the letter - as a bare minimum.  We all get tempted to treat the requirements laid out as some unattainable ceiling to try to hit.  They are the minimum needed to prepare.  Candidates need to be on the mats in classes - minimum 3 times a week.  Candidates need to be blogging, processing what we are learning and recording our journey - minimum once a week.  Candidates need to be practicing daily.  Tonight we were reminded that the journey does not allow for days off - days off have consequences.

I look at the requirements that I said I would meet.  I am not on track.  That is my current reality.  There is no point sugar coating it.  The people around me can see that I have not put in the work that I have promised that I would.  There have been a few too many of those days off and I am definitely feeling the consequences.  I have made commitments and I have not been faithful in meeting them consistently.  This needs to change.  I need to light a fire under myself and trust the system.  

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