Tuesday 12 June 2018

Priorities on the Journey

Mastery is a journey.  The process is one of continual improvement.  Why?  There is always something that needs to be worked on.  If you can't find something in your life that needs some work, then you've let mediocrity lie to you.  I do not have to look hard or far.

Funny thing...  The IHC is designed after the UBBT - there is an obvious focus on the martial arts.  I am at a point where black belt grading is not just some day off in the far, far future.  I have reached a place in my journey where it is coming.  Yet, here I sit looking at where my mastery journey is focused and I can say without a doubt that kung fu has not been the forefront.  It is impossible to master all things, at all times.  This is a time where kung fu has had to take a step back and allow me additional time and energy to focus on my family.

The past couple years has proved to be a roller coaster ride as a parent.  Raising a teen and a tween is no joke.  We have dealt with bullying and it's aftermath.  We continue to deal with anxiety and the results.  We have had to make schooling decisions.  Today, we are sitting in a place looking forward into the unknown for schooling.  One is off to high school.  (Still trying to figure out how that happened...  Weren't we just at kindergarten graduation...)  This is exciting and scary all at the same time.  We are also looking at a change for our younger one.  I have spent a great deal of time researching homeschooling options as of late.  I want to make the right decision.  The decision we make has huge implications for our family.  This is something that will likely continue to take a great deal of time to sort out and implement yet in my heart, I know that this is what my child needs right now.

So with my focus being on my kids, where does that leave kung fu.  At a time when I feel that I should be building, I find myself maintaining.  I make every effort I can to be on the mats for classes.  Classes have been my lifeline over the years through hard times and injuries.  Even when I have had to quietly kung fu from the bench, they have kept me engaged in this portion of my journey.  Although the physical parts of kung fu have taken a real hit over the past while, I am still mindful of the personal goals that I set for the year and they are serving me well.  Daily journals, gratitude logs, time spent reading my Bible have kept me going day to day.  Fitting in time with my people, one on one when possible, has kept me grounded.  Running wildly through popular fuzz and mosquito infested woods while seeking hidden treasure and belly laughs at bedtime have reminded me that my focus is exactly where it needs to be.

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