Tuesday 17 April 2018

Flip, Knee, Flip, Shrimp, Knee, Flip, Flip

Yup, I have grappling on the brain.  The past couple weeks, I have really been focusing on learning the grappling curriculum.  I have done my best to attend every class that I possibly can when grappling is being taught.  I am starting to see the patterns and how the system fits together depending on if you are in guard, mount or side mount.  Yet even with the patterns, there is still a lot to retain.  Some of the techniques do not fall within the patterns and some of them have so many steps. 

Last night in class, we went over the shrimp out elbow (at least this is what I think it is called) escape from full mount.  I have been thinking about this technique, reciting the steps, dreaming about this technique because it is has so many steps.  I learned this technique months ago.  I was left asking when do I flip?  When do I shrimp?  Really I was left with months of confusion to sort out.  The constant review over the past week has really helped to solidify the sequence of this complex technique.

It has been very cool and rewarding to see progress over the past couple weeks in this area.  What is not quite as cool is how being so focused as left other area unattended to.  As there often is, trade offs are made in the short term when mastery is a goal.  I'm not sure it is possible to master multiple areas of life all at the same time.  I know the goal is to focus on something while at the minimum keeping everything else in maintenance mode.  As your focus shifts between what you are mastering, every part of life continues this upward trajectory.  I feel that I have struggled to do the maintenance part lately but I will keep plugging on along, making course corrections as I am able.

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