Monday 23 April 2018

Forced Slow Down

What a crazy, wild ride the past couple weeks have been.  I attended a bunch of extra classes to get a better handle on the grappling curriculum.  Work has been steady.  Chad & I have started looking at starting a new business venture that has taken time.  Kids keep me hopping...  I have been living life full out, that is until I could not keep up that pace one second longer.

Last Wednesday was a definite high in my kung fu life.  I focused in and met the goal of getting that last stripe.  I'm not so sure my precious son fully appreciated the beating required but I am grateful that he let me use him as a victim.  I am also grateful for the additional attention that Sifu Lindstrom sent my way during that time.  It was a successful push.  I did indeed meet my goal.  It really was a pretty exciting moment.

Then Thursday hit...  I felt tired and slow all day long.  I managed to push through all that was required of me but barely.  I had a sweet friend hang up the phone on me after telling me to just go have a nap.  Friday was another day filled with go, go, go...  As the day wore on, I felt worn out.  By the time I went to bed I knew that there was a head cold on it's way. 

This weekend, I stripped life back to the must do's.  Kids made to it their activities on Saturday morning.  Groceries were purchased on Sunday to start the week.  Nothing else happened!!!  Just napping and reading...

Today I am still operating in my slowed down state.  I made it to class but drank peppermint tea while watching everyone else kick the bags.  It was a class that I know I needed to do but I just did not have it in me.  Then it was home for another nap.  Tonight, Chad is helping me out with much of the driving to and from the kwoon - another item to add to my gratitude list.

We spend a great deal of time talking about progressing wisely and not approaching mastery in an all or nothing manner.  This past week, I failed to do this and my body is now reminding me that indeed, I am a mere mortal.  I knew that I had been pushing myself too hard over the past few weeks without enough downtime and rest.  I was reminded that if I do not listen to my body, it will talk a whole bunch louder and it will get my attention.  Perhaps this time I will learn from this forced slow down...

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Flip, Knee, Flip, Shrimp, Knee, Flip, Flip

Yup, I have grappling on the brain.  The past couple weeks, I have really been focusing on learning the grappling curriculum.  I have done my best to attend every class that I possibly can when grappling is being taught.  I am starting to see the patterns and how the system fits together depending on if you are in guard, mount or side mount.  Yet even with the patterns, there is still a lot to retain.  Some of the techniques do not fall within the patterns and some of them have so many steps. 

Last night in class, we went over the shrimp out elbow (at least this is what I think it is called) escape from full mount.  I have been thinking about this technique, reciting the steps, dreaming about this technique because it is has so many steps.  I learned this technique months ago.  I was left asking when do I flip?  When do I shrimp?  Really I was left with months of confusion to sort out.  The constant review over the past week has really helped to solidify the sequence of this complex technique.

It has been very cool and rewarding to see progress over the past couple weeks in this area.  What is not quite as cool is how being so focused as left other area unattended to.  As there often is, trade offs are made in the short term when mastery is a goal.  I'm not sure it is possible to master multiple areas of life all at the same time.  I know the goal is to focus on something while at the minimum keeping everything else in maintenance mode.  As your focus shifts between what you are mastering, every part of life continues this upward trajectory.  I feel that I have struggled to do the maintenance part lately but I will keep plugging on along, making course corrections as I am able.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Stepping Forward & Taking Charge

Why did I join kung fu?  Was it to get my black belt?

Honestly, I did not mean to join kung fu.  I had originally enrolled Waylon based on a recommendation from an occupational therapist to help him with his balance and gross motor skills.  I had planned to be the mom on the bench.  Funny things happen on that bench...  There are other moms on that bench and sometimes, they take kung fu too.

Over the years, I migrated from the bench to the mats.  I originally joined because it looked like fun and I needed some exercise.  The class times worked since the kids were in school and I was able to hang out with a great group of moms.  My goals at that point were to simply show up, sweat, laugh and learn something new.  To me the belts were not really super relevant or important.  It was nice to see stripes because they officially marked progression and improvement but they were not what drove me to the mats.

Fast forward several years and I find that the same things keep bringing me back to the mats.  I show up.  I sweat.  I laugh.  I learn something new.  I hang out with an inspiring group of people.  Yet as much as that part has stayed the same, there has been a shift.  That black belt that I never imagined as a possibility is now potentially right around the corner.  I have admitted several times that this possibility has come with a great deal of "feelings" as of late.

With only one stripe left, I needed to take a hard look at my own goals and how I am approaching kung fu.  The one stripe that I have left is grappling.  I had a choice to make.  I could continue on the way I have been but this path did not look like one that would lead to me really learning the grappling curriculum anytime soon.  After all, just imagine trying to learn grappling from someone who is pregnant with twins.  We all had a few laughs but then had to come up with a new plan. 

This plan required me to take my progress fully into my own hands and reach out for help.  The plan requires me to be at open training asking questions and attending any and every class offered at the school that I can get to when grappling is being taught.  Lucky for me, this seems to be the focus this week and next.  What this meant for me yesterday was three kung fu classes filled with learning and practice.  Being able to learn the techniques in the morning, then come back later in the day and really work on them really helped.  I was one tired girl at the end of the day though.

This week I chose to not let the "feelings" rule and stepped out.  We often talk about the qualities of a black belt.  The one most often mentioned is the eye for detail.  This will always been something that I am striving for but this week I was focused on a different quality - actually taking initiative and in many ways control over my own journey.  Thank you Sifu Rybak, Sifu Lindstrom and Sifu Freitag for the support as I step out of my comfort zone.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Time, Stripes & Anxiety

Well, spring (we will use that term loosely) break is officially over tomorrow.  Can't you hear all the kids groaning and moaning as they attempt to get out of bed in the morning?  I'm sure I will hear my share in my home....

As anticipated, the past week had it's ups and downs and round and rounds...  Leading up to the break I had these dreams and intentions of relaxation, fun and a trip to Calgary for Easter.  Dreams and intentions are often foiled by real life.

This week was filled with far too much time at my computer.  I agreed to take on a work project that I thought would only take about 10-12 hours.  The reality was it took twice that amount of time.  The result was a very tired brain for me.  The kids on the other hand thought they hit the jackpot!  When mom is busy, they tend to hide out on their own screens...  Ugh, definitely not what I had planned.  We did squeeze in our trip to Calgary with a delayed start date due to weather.  It was good but rushed.

How does this relate to my kung fu journey?  It is the realization how fast time is passing by.  I anticipated this would be a tough week to stay on track.  Even with that knowledge, I still struggled to get much of anything done.  This has left me further behind where I would like to be and feeling some anxiety to get it together.

Actually to be honest, my journey in kung fu is causing me a great deal of anxiety as of late.  On top of being behind in my requirements, I earned a stripe last week.  Most of you are probably questioning how that can cause anxiety.  I remember the days when stripes were sought after and celebrated.  I have found that this has changed the further into my brown belt I go.  Each achievement, each step is one step closer to grading year.  Sifu Brinker warned me last fall to treat this year as though it were my grading year.  His warning was that if I didn't set my sights there, I would then wait until the next year to start preparing.

I set my goals with this in mind but I have not made a great deal of headway on those goals as of yet.  Right now I am honestly feeling a little stuck.  I see where I believe I need to be.  I see where I am.  I know I have a ton of work ahead of me.  I know that I need to just start moving forward but yet I feel frozen in place not knowing which foot to move first.  I do need to start or like I was warned, this year will have passed me by... because even if the weather can't figure out it is April, time still marches on...