Monday 4 September 2017

Goodbye Summer... Goodbye Stinkin' Thinkin'

Today I spent the most wonderful day with my family at Fort Edmonton Park.  It was exactly what I needed to end this season.

With back to school looming in the morning, I will do my best to stiffle a happy dance at about 9:00 tomorrow morning.  It is time to refocus for all of us.  The chillaxed pace of summer was nice in many ways but it has left me with the need to get back on track.

The first step in this process actually started on Friday.  It was such a beautiful night out.  I poured myself a glass of wine and went out to my deck to catch up on MightyNetworks...  Yikes!  I was more than a little behind on my reading but the messages you all had to share were so encouraging.  Then I took some advice that Sifu T. Beckett left on my last blog and I sat down with my own journal and wrote.  Her advice was to write a letter to myself as if I was not me but someone else.  I find it so easy to encourage others but find it really hard to not beat myself up.  My internal dialog is brutal to put it nicely.  I would never dream of saying the words that I use on myself on anyone else ever.  I wrote to myself with love and grace and it was so good.

Tonight was the next step in the process.  It is all well and good to give yourself a pep talk but at some point you need to acknowledge exactly where things are at.  I spent some time and updated my kung fu log...  It is looking pretty empty for the summer.  I know that I did more than my log reflects BUT I did not write it down so it is gone.  The numbers are pretty humbling really but tonight I am choosing to not beat myself up over what is in the past.  I can't change that I did not do very much to progress many of my goals this summer.  I can't change that in some cases what I did do is not documented.  What I can do is take a deep breathe and start moving forward.

That brings me to the final step in this process for now...  Just do something!  I did a couple sets of push ups.  I am going to post this blog and then I am going to do some more plus some sit ups.  Then I am going to sit down with my journal and write about my wonderful day and how great it feels to be getting back on track.  I am going to write down the things I am grateful for and any acts of kindness I can remember from the past couple days.  Then it's off to bed with a book.

Tomorrow feels like a fresh start and I am ready to leave the stinkin' thinkin' behind and get back to business!

1 comment:

  1. Stinking thinking! Like that reference. Gonna use that one.
