Tuesday 4 April 2017

A Battle Cry!

The possibility of mediocrity exists for everyone, because being mediocre simply means choosing- whether consciously or unconsciously- to be the same as you've always been. Mediocrity has nothing to do with how you compare to other people; it's simply a result of not making a commitment to continuously learn, grow, and improve yourself. Whereas being extraordinary- which leads to extraordinary levels of success- is a result of choosing to learn, grow, and be just a little bit better each day than you've been in the past.  - Hal Elrod in The Miracle Morning

 I'm not going to lie.  The past few weeks have been really tough for me.  Physically, I have not felt this good in probably close to 15 years.  Mentally, though, I've been a hot mess.  In my mental messiness, many of my requirements have taken quite a beating.  Then, I was beating myself up about that, which only leads to more mess.  On and on this cycle goes...  I know that many of my fellow teammates have also fallen into this cycle at some point in the past or are even struggling with it now.

One of my requirements that I have been able to stay on top of though is reading.  The Miracle Morning has been on my reading list since last fall, even before Mr. Beeler started singing it's praises.  This past week, I did finally move it to the top and start reading it.  I am finding that one of my biggest personal obstacles is the honest belief that I will get to it later and then later doesn't seem to happen.  The thought then is to rearrange my morning so that there is not need to run out of time later because the things that need doing are taken care of.

In my messiness and personal self beatings, the above quote was like a soothing balm.  I know that my forward momentum towards mastery has been taking a slower trajectory than I hoped or set goals for lately.  One thing is for sure though, no matter how hard or messy things are, I have not given up.  Every single day I have my goals in my mind and I am making intentional progress.  I may not be making enough progress to successfully complete them all but I am working on it daily.  My hope is that this quote can maybe bring some peace and comfort to others who are also struggling with the trajectory of their journey.

Here's to never giving up!

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