Monday 10 April 2017

Small Tweak, Huge Benefit

One of my personal requirements since I started this journey years ago was to keep a daily personal reflection and prayer journal.  It was to be my daily check in with myself.  A time to look at my successes, to look at where I am falling short and to make a plan for correction.  Keeping a daily eye on where you are and where you want to be helps to keep life a little more on course.  Even when it is off course, you know exactly where the issue is.  No hiding....

I have found over the past year or so that a pattern has developed in my daily journals.  One of my character attributes is that I set very high standards for myself.  This is a benefit in the sense that it I am always wanting to grow and learn to improve myself.  There is a not so awesome side to this too though.  I am not always realistic when setting expectations for myself.  Really, why can't I do it all, perfectly, right now...  As I reflect back looking at my journals, there is a great deal of negativity.  I wake up ready to face the day.  I make a list of things to get done that no mere mortal can accomplish.  I obviously do not even make a small dent in it.  Then I journal about how I failed again.  Not a great way to close a day.  Not great thoughts to be filling my mind with as I drift off to sleep.  Then I would get tired of the cycle so I would take a break from journaling.  Then I would get upset with myself for that as well.  Negative, negative, negative....

This last week I've been experimenting with journaling in the morning instead.  I have to say - I am loving it!!!  Mornings are so filled with hope and promise.  This gives me a place and space to work through my thoughts when they are in a positive light.  This allows me to look at my day very proactively.  I am working through my tendencies to over plan and over expect.  I am working through how to be more realistic with myself and then be kinder to myself.  I am working through the managing my emotions during the stresses of life (especially the stresses I place upon myself trying to be perfect).  This is allowing me to set a positive intention for my day and gives me a place to go back and really look at it.  If I want to sit and journal again at night, the option is still there.  I am finding though, that the lens that I use to look at my day is a little less clouded with negativity when I look at it after a good nights sleep.

Just a small tweak but over the last week, I have seen huge benefits already.


  1. I found journaling in the evening to be challenging as well. Maybe I will also give morning entries a shot.

  2. I found journaling in the evening to be challenging as well. Maybe I will also give morning entries a shot.
