Wednesday 22 February 2017

Seeking The Groove

Confession time....

I have lost my groove!

I was in such a good place before we left for holidays.  My numbers were strong.  I was super busy but getting things done.  I knew I had to nail it because I had planned on taking some time off from some of the goals while I focused on my family and enjoying every second with them.  The plan was to jump right back in when we got home and carry on like I had never left.

So what happened?  Life has been happening all over the place.  Chad's constantly changing work schedule, sick kids, kids with injuries, crazy work deadlines, minor fender benders...  It has been a constant stream this past week.  All of the effortless effort has been temporarily lost and it really sucks.

There is beauty in where I am at right now.  I know how it feels to be in the groove so I recognize that I am not.  Really that is one of the first steps to fixing anything.  You need to see the problem before you can set about fixing it.  I have started working with others for accountability and asking for help.  I did some push ups while waiting for my oatmeal to cook.  Now I am writing this blog so it is really out there.  I am choosing to not hide in this not so fantastic place but shine a light on it.  My next step is to get off this computer and get my butt to class this morning.  I have so far managed to hold life off for at least that long.

I will find my groove again.  I will get back on track.  This is one of those times where it is a gift that this is a journey not a destination.


  1. I have no doubt you will get your groove back. I'm glad you're putting it out there, it will make it easier to do so.

  2. I have no doubt you will get your groove back. I'm glad you're putting it out there, it will make it easier to do so.

  3. Always cheering for you! Keep on with your journey and grab me for tea whenever you need...

  4. Putting it out there will help you get back on track.
