Monday 30 January 2017

Timely Advice

First blog of the Year of the Rooster!  Cock-A-Doodle-Do!

I know just a month ago I was writing about how much I love a fresh start.  I really do believe that each moment can be a fresh start.  If that feels like a stretch, then each morning.  Yet, nothing feels as good as being able to wipe the slate clean.  New goals to reach for.  The numbers are zeroed.  No longer feeling behind and fighting that guilt or trying to formulate in my brain whether it's possible to catch up.  The feeling is invigorating.

Add to that feeling of newness, the feeling of inspiration.  Watching fellow students push hard and then receive their promotions on Saturday lights a fire in your belly.  Congrats to all of you!  Really, this may be the first year where I have allowed myself to dream that this could be me someday.  Then you start dreaming about having the perfect IHC year where you are consistent and you nail every goal and requirement.  Can't you all just see it!

Now to back up the bus just a little...  Last week, I had to make a day trip to Killam alone to attend a family funeral.  The weather was foggy but the roads were good, yet the travelling was still long.  To entertain myself, I played podcasts.  I listened to a lot of great content that day - I did have 5 hours to soak it in.  There was one quote that really stood out to me that day.  One that is still speaking to me today nearly a week later.  I suppose it was one that I personally really needed to hear.

I am moving through my days dreaming of the PERFECT year.  What a dangerous word!  So black and white...  Either you've completely nailed it or you haven't...  It leaves no room for deviation, no room for life to interfere...

The quote that keeps sticking with me was this - " Perfection demands that I be the best.  Excellence asks that I do my best."

The difference between perfection and excellence looks so subtle yet it is so huge.  The pursuit of mastery often brings out visions of perfection.  BUT, if I am busy trying to be the best - is that really what this is all about.  If I want to be the best, then that adds in competition and comparison.  It does not breed grace and working with each other to better this world together.  It allows for only one winner.

Excellence on the other hand allows me to be me - the best possible version of me.  I have written about my goals seeming blah but the goals that I have are specifically chosen to make me the best me for this time and season.  This allows me to celebrate with others as they also work towards excellence as they travel along their own journey.  It allows me to fail and restart and fail and restart.  This is important because this reflects the reality of how growth happens in the real world.

So here's to the start of the Year of the Rooster.  May each of you rise to the challenge of excellence!  I am looking forward to the chance to fail and succeed, to laugh and to cry, to sweat and rejoice alongside each of you. 

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