Thursday 22 October 2015

Those Other Goals....

This past week I've spent some time evaluating where my focus has been through the journey this year has been so far.  At the start of the year, the physical goals quite frankly seemed like nearly insurmountable walls.  The thought of doing 50,000 of anything in a year seemed like a lot and then when you add the word push up after it, well....  Then you add in some of the physical challenges that I have had the opportunity to work through since the journey began and continue to work through daily.  Needless to say, a huge portion of my focus has been on the physical requirements.  On a daily basis these have been at the forefront of my mind through the journey.

But....  What about the other goals!!!

This year when I set my personal goals I really took a good look at what kind of life I would like to live.  I looked closely at what I value and in many cases whether my life was pointing towards what I valued.  Each one of my personal goals, all 14 of them, were set very deliberately with a very specific purpose.  None of them are monumental, one time things.  Really they all boil down to habits that I would like develop in my life.  Habits require regular practice.  Not huge overnight changes but incremental growth in the right direction.

So as we head towards the 3/4 mark of this year, I had to ask myself where I was at with all my goals.  My physical goals are behind.  I'm not going to make excuses.  I am going to keep pressing forward to finish as strong as I can.  In my continual quest to meet these physical goals, they have consumed my thinking and as a result many of my personal goals have fallen to the side.  That is one of the problems with the small incremental changes in life - they only add up to something amazing if you actually do them!  They are so easy to put off until tomorrow, after all it's only something small.  Yet tomorrow never seems to dome.  Honestly, I have not put in the effort required and as a result there are a few goals I had not even started.

This past week has been a hard one for me.  I have been feeling a great deal of fatigue - both mentally and especially physically.  My numbers were lower as a result.  I did not give up and I did something each day, even when it felt really push, pull, drag.  That said, I did make some progress on those neglected personal goals.  It was a great reminder on how unbalanced my focus has been.  The plan is now to try to refocus in a more balanced manner for the remainder of the year.

Here are my YTD totals as of the end of week 35:
Push ups             24,439
Sit ups                27,740
Kempo                  236
Staff                      345
Sparring                530
KM                       540.6
AoK                     664
Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  679
Piano                     44.5 hours
Books finished       19 
Daily fruit - 169 days
365 photo challenge - 133 days
Daily journal - 211 days

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