Friday 11 September 2015


Today is a day when people remember.  Ask anyone over a certain age and they will be able to tell you where they were and what they did on September 11, 2001.  I remember exactly where I was on that morning.  I also know that every year on this date my mom recounts her story.  On that Tuesday morning she sat in her living room watching the footage of the Twin Towers.  It seemed so surreal.  Then she went and picked up my wedding dress for me.  While the entire world was mourning, our family was preparing for a celebration.

During a week where the whole world was reflecting on life and family, I still remember how grateful I was.  While the world was turned upside down, my family was getting ready to gather.  I was getting ready to say "I Do" to my best friend.  We were blessed that only one guest was not able to attend due to flight cancellations.  One very special lady, my Great Aunt Dorothy had flown in from San Diego earlier in the month.  This sweet lady did not make it home to Canada very often so she had come for a nice long visit.  She is one of my favourite people in this world.  I remember how grateful I was that she could be there.  This was her last trip back to Canada.

Our wedding day with Great Aunt Dorothy and my Grandma.

I also remember how blessed I felt nearly 11 years later.  We had planned a family trip to Disneyland and we made sure that we carved out a day in San Diego devoted to seeing Aunt Dorothy.  I will be forever grateful that my children had the opportunity to meet this amazing woman.

August 2012 - Family Trip to California

What was so amazing about her?  She was one of the spunkiest people I have ever met.  She came of age during the war.  She was there the day that my grandma met her soldier before he shipped off to war.  She never did meet her soul mate.  She was not blessed with a husband or children so she took extra care to love on her nieces and nephews and all of their children.  She told the best stories which often ended with a wink and a statement like "it was wartime you know".  She was strong.  She was independent.  She worked hard.  She loved well.  She lived fully.  She had the best appetite and was always on the lookout for something sweet to eat.  Everywhere she went, she was able to strike up a conversation with a stranger that within minutes became a new friend.  I really could go on and on.

So you may ask why am I remembering all of this on today of all days...  Fourteen years ago I felt so blessed to have her close.  Today I feel so grateful that she is no longer suffering even as my heart aches.  Today heaven gained another sweet angel.  I sure hope they were ready for her.

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