Sunday 20 September 2015

Great Day

Tuesday marked the 14th anniversary of one of the best days of my life.  While a huge portion of the world was mourning and just trying to get their bearings, I stood in front of family and friends and said "I do" to my best friend.  We have been blessed with fourteen years.  Those years have not always been easy and we have had to put in a lot of work to be where we are but our marriage is even better today than it was on that day.

Yet, when I woke up on Tuesday, I had a choice to make.  As is often the case, Chad's work schedule does not respect special occasions.  He was away working up north about mid-way through a 20 day shift.  We have probably spent more anniversaries separated by distance than together.  So what's a girl to do?  Well this girl decided to get out of bed and have a great day.

He was the first person I talked to that morning.  One of the funny things with the shift he is on, we get to talk first thing every morning as he is driving back to camp.  For me it was a great way to start my day.  For him it is a way to end his since he has been on nights.

After that, I had an all about me day.  First stop was the knee specialist.  She has officially released me unless it starts to give me trouble.  My injured knee is only slightly less stable than my good knee.  She believes that I am one of the lucky few who grows scar tissue in just the right places.  Works for me!  I still need to work with my physiotherapist but with time she feels that I can get my knee back to about 95% of where it was before my failed landing.

The second stop was for a haircut.  The same gal has been cutting my hair for years.  Going to see her is like sitting down for a cup of tea with a great friend, belly laughs included.  So much fun!

The final stop on the all about me day was a piano lesson.  There must have been something in the air.  Belly laughs were happening there too...  The last month I have had a hard time motivating myself to sit down and play.  This was exactly what I needed to get me re-energized.  We have bitten off a song that is really going to stretch me plus a couple of fun ones.

After the kids came home from school, we had a family dinner and then it was off to kung fu.  This was truly the icing on the cake!  Tuesday nights mean intermediate black dragons.  I absolutely love these kids.

I ended the day with another chat with my handsome hubbie.

I could have wallowed in the fact that I was spending yet another anniversary away from my husband.  I could have let this wreck my whole day.  Instead I chose to have a great day and it far exceeded any expectation that I had for it.  We have an errand/date day planned for when he is home next week so we will just have to celebrate our anniversary together then.

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