Thursday 26 February 2015

Charting My Course - Week 1

I have heard many times that an airplane is rarely exactly on course.  It's path is not a straight line from the starting point to its destination.  There are many factors that knock it a little to the right or to the left.  It is the job of the pilot to be constantly evaluating where the plane is going and to make the necessary corrections.

My journey toward mastery is also going to deviate a little to the left and a little to the right.  The only way to know where I am and where I need to be heading is by checking my numbers regularly.  If I am going to have a successful journey, I need to pilot my own course.  My plan is to total where I am on a weekly basis so that I know exactly where I am and then to post for accountability.

My numbers this week are not where they need to be in order to meet my goals.  That said, I am pleased with what I did accomplish.  I am building strength and momentum that will continue to carry me closer and closer to my end goals.  To put this in perspective - I have likely done 750 more push ups in the last week than I did outside of class in the entire year leading up to last October!  That right there is a major win!

Push ups             754
Sit ups                635
Kempo                 10
KM                    13.5
AoK                     18

Personal Goals:
Gratitude Journal  23
Piano                     2.25 hours
Books finished       1 
Daily items - all seven days!

Along with my wins, I can see that there are many holes that still need filling.  This journey is just beginning!

Sunday 22 February 2015

Running in Circles...

It is only day 4 of the Year of the Sheep and what a ride it has already been.  I have already hit my first significant obstacle and come out swinging.  From the moment I woke up on Thursday to around noon on Saturday my life was non-stop go, go, go.  Between trying to get in my requirements, helping with the banquet, helping on an all day field trip for school and many other family obligations, I found I was stuck running in circles.  Not only was I on the run, I was struggling to find a way to stop.  I was on a mission and I just needed people to keep pace with me (which of course they were not).  I was being rather hard to live with and very hard on my beloved family.  Finally in frustration, I took my big fur-baby for a walk. 

It was on my walk that I was hit over the head with a revelation.  I had made the mistake of not building any breathing room into my life.  I had allowed the frenzy to take over.  I needed to slow down!  Immediately!  I love living out in the country.  I can walk with Guiness, talking to God, myself and him and there is no one around to hear.  Guiness loves it because he thinks that no matter who I am talking to, it must be him.  I was able to breathe in the fresh air and just slow down.  I came home and made some amends with my family.  Then I settled into a bath with a book before preparing to go back to the banquet.

Here is the beauty of this pause in the chaos...  Even while I was taking my much needed breather, I was able to actually make progress on a few goals.  I felt recharged and ready to enjoy the banquet. I was able to stop and listen to the candidates speeches.  I was able to recognize that I am just at the start of a marathon and trying to run at a sprint is foolish.  I was able to sit back and be inspired by the quality of the demos, the people that received awards and the entire promotion process.  Now all I need to do is remember to breathe and pause before I hit frenzy!

Monday 16 February 2015

Goals to Guide the Journey

At the last meeting, Sifu Brinker encouraged each of us to document our starting point for a variety of reasons.  First of all, so that we can see our growth as the year goes on.  The second reason seemed even more significant...  So that we have a reminder and encouragement for ourselves when the going gets tough.  We were ensured that there will be times when the going is going to be tough and it is how we handle this challenge that will shape our year.

I have been thinking about what reminder I want to leave for myself over the past week or so.  I just looked over my list of 14 personal goals.  Each of these goals were carefully chosen for a specific purpose in my life.  Many of them are small daily actions.  Many are goals to fight procrastination in my life.  Many are designed to help me stay present and intentional as I live out the day to day.  Many are designed to set an example, through my actions, to the people in my life of what I believe in and value most.  This list of goals is exciting and scary all at the same time.

One of the biggest reminders I want to leave for myself is that each day is a new start.  Change happens in the present moment.  Whatever I did or did not accomplish yesterday is history.  I can choose how I live in each day and in each moment.  I can choose to take a step in the right direction or I can choose to not take any steps at all.  It is up to me to own these choices.  The list of goals is huge and sitting in my chair tonight, it would be easy to feel defeated before I even begin.  I just need to remember that I don't need to accomplish these goals today - just make progress on the journey.

So I am taking a deep breath and getting ready to jump in with both feet.

Monday 9 February 2015

Who Wants to be a Black Belt?

I am sitting on the mats in the kwoon surrounded by a small group of vibrating, mini martial artists.  These kids are excited and pumped to be learning Kung Fu.  The Sifu asks, "Who wants to be a black belt?"  Every hand around me shoots into the air with little bodies trying to contain themselves from jumping up and down.  I look around me and seriously every single person has their hand up - that is everyone except me.... 

This really is one of the pivotal moments that put me onto this journey.  I have not had the pleasure of joining this super excited, pint-sized, aspiring black belts for over seven months.  Even if I was on the mats today though, my hand would still not fly up into the air.  Why?  To be honest, I never even truly entertained the thought of becoming a black belt.  After being exposed to some of the requirements, especially the fitness test, I have been unable to truly entertain that thought.  I look at where I am today and I can't reconcile the distance between that and those requirements.  I have been unable to entertain that even as a dream because it just plain old seems completely unrealistic.

That may lead you to ask - why on earth have you signed up for the I Ho Chuan team then?  Seriously, it is modeled after the Ultimate Black Belt Challenge.  I am tired of looking at who I am today and feeling stuck.  I am ready to take a step forward to see what I am capable of.  A year from now I do not know what the answer to this question will be for me.  You just may need to ask me then!